Among the faces scale, second or third face comes closest to expressing how I feel about my life as a whole. I think no one can say that they are always having happy and joyful time in their entire lives. Everybody experiences both difficult and happy times. However, what makes difference is that what you think and how you think when you are having either hard or wonderful time. There is a well-known anecdote about different view can make big change. Speaking of the story in short, one guy saw the water bottle and complained “there is only half of water in here.” but then another guy saw the same water bottle and said, “Look, there is even as much as half of water in the bottle”. What do you think the difference between these guys? They have different way of thinking and seeing the same situation. So depending on your view, your life will be changed in the exactly same way of your thinking. This is why I am trying to be positive and optimistic all the time no matter what kinds of situations I am in because I do know that it will change my whole life. So far, I think I didn’t really go through hard time as my parents or someone else. Maybe, because I am still young or I didn’t face real outside world yet. My real life just starts from now and I don’t know what kinds of difficulties are waiting for me but I do believe that if I always keep it in my mind to be positive, I will be happy and be able to overcome obstacles in my life.

Let’s just give it try to have first smiling face in our lives!
Look on the bright side, people!!
Stress, depression, sadness will end up by possitive thinking. I like your ideas. Everyone looks nice when they smile, so keep smiling :>
hey nicole.don`t worry about any thing in your life.when u reach to 20`s u will experience beayutiful thjings and n taht time u won`t realize how hard were them.so don`t worry.and as i know u, u r strong girl.u`ll have a happy and successful life.
Now i get the answer in here, thanks Nicole, i am the one like u said negetive people, i really don't know how to handl my feeling. As the reading said, i get happiness from my friends.
Let us do it tegoter.
Yeah, there is nothing nagative. It depends on how people look it. And it's what i do agree with u. ^_^!
Hey Nicole, what a nice song!
I'm humming now, haha.
And I hope, we gonna go to Ottawa together! Let's think about it! Anyway, Take care~! :)
I think people become happier just by visiting your blog! Great music.
Thank you. I hope they feel better at least:D
HOHO...i am coming..
Although now it is 12 pm...
hope you can get a happy life
Hi, Nicole.
I've liked your article very much. First,It's well written and second i agree with you. Nice thinking Nicole keep doing it that way because that's the key to achieved success in life.
happiness only exit when share stupid crazon girl
i mean "exist" T_T
Hi Nicole dont worry you are very sensetive girl,and you are stil young,ihop that you will have a wonderful futcher
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