In m
y opinion about global population, I am quite pessimistic. For a long time, overpopulation has been debated one of the most serious issues in the world. Even if many countries are trying to control their population, the number of people in the world is still increasing however some countries have started to confront other difficulties as well. Of course developing countries still have overpopulation problems but some countries are facing opposite type of population problem. For example, South Korea could reduce population thanks to family planning. South Korea made special slogans, which encourage people to control birth, every year so, couples started to change the idea about family and to have few children than before. However, Koreans are confronting other difficulties: decreasing the number of children and increasing the number of elderly. More and more women are working out and getting married late, they start to think about having better life. As a result, many couples decide to have fewer or no child in family because they found out that raising children costs a lot. Therefore, the number of DINKs (double income, no kids) is increasing to save family money and have better later life. On the other hand, as technology and medicine have developed rapidly, old people live much longer than before. The problem is there is no one to take care of increasing number of elderly. Especially in my country, there are not enough welfare systems and it is also big burden for sons and daughters to put their old parents into the welfare community because of high expense. Korea government has realized the serious imbalance of population ratio and has been trying to encourage couples to have more children. So the government offers money to couples that have more than three kids. I think population problem will be getting worse and extreme, and it’s too late to go back to the original and balanced population. However, at least, we must try to fix and change this situation before we are going too farther than now. Otherwise, there is no future for our Earth.

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