Personally, the lecture that we had on Monday was really interestin
g. I think the topic was very attractive enough to focus on the lecture for 2 hours because everybody loves, and we can’t survive without love. Not only the topic but the Prof. Judith Castle was a really wonderful lecturer. Among the 4 different types of love, 'Eros' was the one got most of my attention. It was just beyond the concept of love. It was the power that keeps us who we are, and makes us be loved. After the lecture, on the way going back home, I was thinking about what my 'Eros' is. Several questions popped into my head. 'What am I interested in?', 'What makes me lovable and doesn't?', 'What do I usually daydream when I am on the bus or metro?', 'Is that related to my Eros?' on and so forth. Normally, I don't really think about this kind of stuff everyday. However, It was such a great opportunity to think about my ego more deeply by having this lecture. I am also interested in Psychology field so after level 8, I may take her part-time social psychology class to build more knowledge and understanding in order to be able to know myself and even others.

Moreover, as she said, it costs nothing to love.
So why hesitate? What are you waiting for?
Remember what we learned from the lecture and show your 'Agape', not just say it ! ! !