Nowadays, everybody seems to play video games without distinction of age or sex. There are games for children education and also, games for old people for improving their memory ability. Certainly, there are good aspects about video games but, in my opinion, video games give bad influence more than good effects. First of all, video games are very addictive. They are designed to be ADDICTIVE. So it is a natural consequence not easy to get out of attractive imaginary world. As a result, people spend their valuable time for playing games and they start to lose their power to decide what they have to do. Second of all, video games can hurt our physical and mental health. It's definitely not good for our back and eyes to focus on the screen for a long time. Also, there are many violent and sexsual elements that can cause serious mental problems in most of video games. Therefore, personally, I don't like to play video games and I try not to play video games.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
About my presentation, I don’t have many things to say. Because it wasn’t good, actually it was the worst one I think. First of all, I should’ve prepared and practiced more. This is the basic rule when people make presentation. If you are not well prepared, it’s almost impossible to make a good one. I learned a lesson from this experience. Practicing is the only way to make your presentation be good so I will put more effort on my presentation next time. I am not fully satisfied with my presentation but I don’t regret it because I was the one who made the decision that I will do it on Friday no matter how much I prepared and, I took responsibiliry rather than delaying or skipping it. Besides, I could get more free time after this, haha.
Research paper
I had a really good time while I was working on my research project. Normally, I used to go home or hang around with my friends after school but, because of research papers, I had to go to computer lab or library to get information and it was really good experience for me. I learned how to find proper books from library and how to use reference desks. After few days I went to Concordia library, I felt like I am a real university student. I was doing same things like many students in the library were doing. Fortunately, I found a lot of books in the library so I spent most of time to read and summarize the contents of the books and then, I typed it by using my laptop and I edited it at home. I think the way I did my research was very efficient and, basically, it worked for me so I didn’t have a lot of hard time to do this. I liked my topic and I liked to read books so it was really good for me not only to practice English but to learn something I am interested in.
My Opinion About Global Population
In m
y opinion about global population, I am quite pessimistic. For a long time, overpopulation has been debated one of the most serious issues in the world. Even if many countries are trying to control their population, the number of people in the world is still increasing however some countries have started to confront other difficulties as well. Of course developing countries still have overpopulation problems but some countries are facing opposite type of population problem. For example, South Korea could reduce population thanks to family planning. South Korea made special slogans, which encourage people to control birth, every year so, couples started to change the idea about family and to have few children than before. However, Koreans are confronting other difficulties: decreasing the number of children and increasing the number of elderly. More and more women are working out and getting married late, they start to think about having better life. As a result, many couples decide to have fewer or no child in family because they found out that raising children costs a lot. Therefore, the number of DINKs (double income, no kids) is increasing to save family money and have better later life. On the other hand, as technology and medicine have developed rapidly, old people live much longer than before. The problem is there is no one to take care of increasing number of elderly. Especially in my country, there are not enough welfare systems and it is also big burden for sons and daughters to put their old parents into the welfare community because of high expense. Korea government has realized the serious imbalance of population ratio and has been trying to encourage couples to have more children. So the government offers money to couples that have more than three kids. I think population problem will be getting worse and extreme, and it’s too late to go back to the original and balanced population. However, at least, we must try to fix and change this situation before we are going too farther than now. Otherwise, there is no future for our Earth.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
After Lecture About Love...♡
Personally, the lecture that we had on Monday was really interestin
g. I think the topic was very attractive enough to focus on the lecture for 2 hours because everybody loves, and we can’t survive without love. Not only the topic but the Prof. Judith Castle was a really wonderful lecturer. Among the 4 different types of love, 'Eros' was the one got most of my attention. It was just beyond the concept of love. It was the power that keeps us who we are, and makes us be loved. After the lecture, on the way going back home, I was thinking about what my 'Eros' is. Several questions popped into my head. 'What am I interested in?', 'What makes me lovable and doesn't?', 'What do I usually daydream when I am on the bus or metro?', 'Is that related to my Eros?' on and so forth. Normally, I don't really think about this kind of stuff everyday. However, It was such a great opportunity to think about my ego more deeply by having this lecture. I am also interested in Psychology field so after level 8, I may take her part-time social psychology class to build more knowledge and understanding in order to be able to know myself and even others.

Moreover, as she said, it costs nothing to love.
So why hesitate? What are you waiting for?
Remember what we learned from the lecture and show your 'Agape', not just say it ! ! !
Monday, April 21, 2008

Among the faces scale, second or third face comes closest to expressing how I feel about my life as a whole. I think no one can say that they are always having happy and joyful time in their entire lives. Everybody experiences both difficult and happy times. However, what makes difference is that what you think and how you think when you are having either hard or wonderful time. There is a well-known anecdote about different view can make big change. Speaking of the story in short, one guy saw the water bottle and complained “there is only half of water in here.” but then another guy saw the same water bottle and said, “Look, there is even as much as half of water in the bottle”. What do you think the difference between these guys? They have different way of thinking and seeing the same situation. So depending on your view, your life will be changed in the exactly same way of your thinking. This is why I am trying to be positive and optimistic all the time no matter what kinds of situations I am in because I do know that it will change my whole life. So far, I think I didn’t really go through hard time as my parents or someone else. Maybe, because I am still young or I didn’t face real outside world yet. My real life just starts from now and I don’t know what kinds of difficulties are waiting for me but I do believe that if I always keep it in my mind to be positive, I will be happy and be able to overcome obstacles in my life.

Let’s just give it try to have first smiling face in our lives!
Look on the bright side, people!!
Reaction after book presentation
First of all, I am really glad to have a chance to read a Canadian novel in English from
the first page to the end with my classmates. It was pleasure to share book reviews from different types of books that we have read for 2 weeks. For me, and probably Loc and Pedro, “Deja Dead” was challenge to finish within 2 weeks but luckily, I was able to read whole book in time thanks to my partners. While preparing my presentation, I got difficulty to summarize the whole 560 pages long book without telling the ending and too much details. Anyway, when I was having the presentation, I felt comfortable and enjoyed that moment. Obviously, I need more practice in order to present the my ideas clearly, naturally, and fluently so next time I will prepare more than this time so that I can get better result, improvement and much more satisfaction on myself.

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